Thursday, November 4, 2010


A CAD  is the most powerful drawing tool having flexible fetures used on PC, which is released by AutoDesk INC. AutoCAD is a general purpose computer aided drafting application program designed for use on single-user, desktop personal computers and graphic workstations. It was initially developed in the early 1980's by AutoDesk Ins., Sausalito, California. It is currently distributed in Australia by AutoDesk Australia, now located in Sydney.AutoCad & AutoCad LT are avilable for English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korena, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Russian, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Brazalian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Nowregian and Vietnames.

AutoCad 2011 relesed on 2010, March 25 having fetures such as Surface Modeling, Surface Analysis and Object Transparency introduced.

Full Form of Auto CAD/Auto CADD :--     Auto Desk Computer Aided Designing 
                                                                           Auto Desk Computer Aided Drafting  
                                                                    Auto Desk Computer Aided Designing & Drafting

 Concept and Definitions :--

                                                  AutoCAD is an interactive drawing system designed to permit a user to construct or edit a drawing on a graphics display screen.

                                                 Each drawing is stored on a disk file, and AutoCAD is only able to edit one drawing (or file) at a time. Any Drawing is broadly divided into 2 main parts i.e. Designing and Drafting.
Difference between Designing & Drafting :--

What is Designing :---

1. Sketching
2. Rough Output
3. In short designing includes imagination & freehand sketches of the particular drawing or objects.


What is Drafting:---

1. Tracing
2. Final output
3 In short drafting includes finalization of sketches i.e. to give a live effect to an object.


PC Requirements to install AutoCAD:--
  • PC with windows
  • Minimum 32MB RAM (preferred 64MB RAM)
  • 200 MB Free hard disk space
  • Pointing Device i.e. Mouse
Their are Two Types of AutoCAD Drawings:                                           Eg.  2D-Drawing
  1. No Limitation
  2. Orthographic view is used for 2D-Drawing
  3. 2 Dimensional object having x & y-axis.

3D- Drawing
  1. Do have some Limitation Isometric view is used for 3D-Drawing  or Oblique view is also used for 3D- Drawing but cannot be made in CAD
                                                                                                              Eg.  3D- Drawing

A clear understanding of the way that AutoCAD handles units of mesurment, scale and paper size is nessary befor a drawing can be created or edited.


Our real world and what ever one see or view around i.e. you, I, Home, fruits, tree everthing are 3 dimensional.  Not only has this but the design that we think had a 3 dimension. But 3 dimensional designs are incomplete without 2 dimensional diagram as it becomes easy for any one to share or convey the design ideas.

Fig. 3D Drawing
Often 3D drawings are used to visualize the output of a product before consulting or manufaturing like Building Model, Machine's Parts, Furniture, Other Designs etc.

  • Wireframe Model :-- It is the first representation of Surface & Solid model in 3D views, built out mostly of Lines & Curves. 

Eg. Wireframe Model
  • Surface Model:-- This model is made of obeque surface which can HIDE anything that is lying at the back of these surface.
Eg. Surface Model
  • Solid Model:-- It is the complete model in all respect. It is somthing like a real solid made out of a piece of metal or wood.

Eg. Solid Model
AutoCAD is a powerful tool, which easily generates accurate and consistent drawing in such diverse field as architecture, desktop publishing, education, engineering, facility management, manufaturing and surveying. AutoCAD offers a very open and flexible architecture, which allows easy customization.

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